Although I don't kiss and tell, I suppose I owe you details about
the date that I mentioned.
Here are some things D.C. and I have done together:
Visiting Benin, Serbia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, among other fascinating countries...
DC's Passport day let me explore the embassies of a ton of foreign countries. It was totally up my ally! There was even an official paper to collect passport stamps. It reminded me of my Around the World party, where I created a similar contraption to capture all the different drinks available at the party.
Meeting a fully-uniformed Bobby....JPG)
Going to the U.K., Italy, Ireland, Greece... well, their foreign embassies at least. Another Passport day, European countries this time. I can't really get enough.
Hearing Jovanotti sing in person....JPG)
A Jovanotti concert at the 9:30 club. Jovanotti is an Italian Rapper/Pop icon. He can perhaps be compared to Eminem (a non-vulgar version) in that he is not to everyone's liking, but he is certainly well known.
Seeing overly tall French women known as "Les Marquises"... 
Part of a street performer's festival at the French Embassy.
Eating falafel and hummus at an International Bazaar.JPG)
The Muslim Women's Association put on this fantastic Street Bazaar with amazing food, beautiful clothing and great jewelry.
Drinks at Mie N Yu in Georgetown.JPG)
A pan-Asian-Middle Eastern lounge and restaurant.
Savory Crepe Dinner at Cafe Napoleon
Just like being in a Parisian Cafe!
Mid-day Dessert at Georgetown Cupcake
(Of the Lava Fudge variety!)
If you haven't noticed a pattern, perhaps I should admit that yes, most of these aren't what you think of when you think of D.C. In fact, save the cupcake, all of these things are fairly foreign, or at least foreign influenced. I can assure all loyal D.C. residents that I do intend to do the traditional D.C. sites as well (most of which, shamefully, I have not done... even having grown up nearby).
However, that is what I am enjoying about D.C. When I feel like being in this city, I can walk in front of the White House or go for a stroll on the National Mall. When I get those inevitable feelings of wanderlust, I can humor myself and pretend to be in any variety of countries. Short of living in Disney's Epcot Center, I don't think there are many places that can cater quite as well to my delusions of travel.
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