This is the last weekend of August. What a harsh realization. I would like to say "time flies," but at the risk of sounding cliché, I won't. In any case, when we say
time flies, it isn't really what we mean. It's not so much that time has really gone by quickly (getting to Fridays always takes forever!); it is more that we realize how long our thoughts have been elsewhere.
Summer has "flown by" for me because since May, my head has been a resident of various la-la-lands: maid-of-honour world, new job planet, travelling universe and moving-house territory.
For most of this summer, my mind has not been a conscious inhabitant of Rome. I have not, therefore, fully partaken in this Roman summer.
With the last weekend of August before me, I hear the fading echoes of "I am so excited for Rome in the summer!", words spoken back in May at the turn of the weather and the lengthening of the days. Those echoes got fainter and fainter the deeper and deeper I ventured into each of my other worlds.
August 30 and I am just waking up. There is so much I haven't done! I've barely touched my list of Quintessential Roman Summer Musts, activities I need to do every year to put me in the summer spirit, like decorating a tree at Christmas. (Visitors will attest to this list because I make them do all these things too.)
It goes something like this:
Outdoor concerts at Villa Pamphili or Villa Ada
Opera at the Terme di Caracalla
Aperitivo at La Singhita on Fregene Beach
Granita di Caffe from Tazza d'Oro

Cioccolato Fondente gelato (let's face it, this is all year round)
Limoncello (preferably somewhere along the Amalfi coast)
8. Drinks at the
Hotel Minerva Rooftop
11. Paddle boats at
Bracciano lake
Watermelon Stands

Campari and/or Aperol Spritz
14. Icy dessert (the granita's cousin) from a
15. Festival at
Castel Sant'Angelo:
Outdoor movie
The list is long, but there is so much more to do. Roman summers are really a wonderful time of year. And even nicer, summers here do often stretch into September or October. So hopefully, I am not too late to partake in some of these wonderful things that I have not yet managed to do.
So if you are in Rome but your mind is in a land far-far-away, may this be a reminder to snap back to earth and to make use of the long days, blue skies and warm sun.
And send any other Roman summer suggestions if you have them!
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